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📢 CLICK HERE FIRST: Important Info You Need to know About Data & AI Literacy ePrimer

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Module 1: Data Is A Team Sport

Through a visual book narrative style, the module will inspire you to take a hard look at your current state of work and think about whether there are avenues for you to apply new ways of doing your work better.

Module 2: Data, Data, Data

This second module let us explore what is good data, what is Big Data, why data cleaning and preparation are important to the analytics workflow and many other interesting facts about data. You'll never look at data the same way again!

Module 3: Once Upon A Chart

This third module looks at modern visual analytics principles we can use to enhance our charts and dashboards.

Module 4: I Learn, Therefore I am

This forth module explores the ML algorithms that have elevated Data Science and AI work to greater heights in the recent decade.

Module 5: I Came, I Saw, I Divide-And-Conquered

This fifth module goes hrough a guide on how to scope a Data Science project, sharpening the problem statements, formulating lines of inquiries, and looking out for other key considerations so you start off on the right footing.